(Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder)

What is ADHD/ADD?
One of the most common of neurodevelopmental disorders diagnosed in childhood, ADHD (previously referred to as ADD) can often last well into adulthood. ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder that results in one having difficulty paying attention to tasks or instructions, impulsive behavior, or being overly active. It is often perfectly normal for a child to have difficulties focusing early in life as their brain is still developing and learning how to efficiently process information. However, as children get older, their ability to sustain their focus - even on tasks that are non-preferred - should steadily increase. For those who continue to demonstrate difficulties in sitting still or establishing or maintaining their focus, they may, in fact, suffer from ADHD.
In addition, while we used to think that ADHD was a “childhood disorder” that children eventually grow out of, we now know that for many, these symptoms of ADHD can persist throughout their adulthood and for some, they may not even be diagnosed until they are adults. While the manifestation of symptoms may change as we get older, many adults continue to struggle with these attentional difficulties as they attempt to navigate their careers or families.
How can neurotherapy help ADHD/ADD?
Neurofeedback treatment is an ADHD/ADD therapy that uses real-time EEG brainwave data to enable patients to train their brain to be in better control of impulses and improve focus and executive functioning. The benefits of neurotherapy have been found to be two-fold, in that brainwave alterations are measurable and found to last well beyond the end of therapy. And secondly, these brainwave improvements can lead to behavioral improvements, notably in maintaining focus, reduced impulsivity, and reduced distractibility. The concept of neurotherapy is based on the neuroplasticity of the brain. The brain is malleable and with repeated and intense practice, brainwave activity transforms and increases the ratio of high-frequency brainwave activity, thus leading to greater self-control and attention. The brains of ADHD/ADD patients tend to generate excess low-frequency delta or theta brainwaves, combined with a possible shortage of high-frequency beta brainwaves. Neurotherapy treatment works to increase the brain’s capacity to generate beta waves, associated with problem solving and processing information, and thus reduce ADHD/ADD symptoms.